Welcome back to EBYR All Over, a Friday roundup of all the EBYR-related news, reviews, interviews, and other interesting online content we can gather in a given week.

News from EBYR & Elsewhere

  • I Lay My Stitches Down

    The Amazing Age was also featured, along with I Lay My Stitches Down, on Betsy Bird’s list of recent children’s books about slavery. Bird calls The Amazing Age, which is featured at the top of the list, the “[b]est dang book about Reconstruction you’ll ever read to a kid” and “a great story about a great man.”

  • One more item about The Amazing Age: it was included, along with Red, on the CCBC Choices 2016 list, the annual best-of-the-year list of the Cooperative Children’s Book Center.
  • Red was also honored as one of the “Notable Books for a Global Society” winners selected by the International Reading Association.

Have we missed any news, reviews, or other online miscellany dealing with EBYR books or authors from the last week? Please let us know in the comments. You can also post items on our Facebook page, mention us on Twitter (@ebyrbooks), or write to us directly: webmaster@eerdmans.com.